Pediatric & Adult Airway Network of New York
We exist to share knowledge from diverse specialties to most effectively screen for and treat the medical condition of sleep related breathing disorders for all ages.
Who We Are
Created in 2018, we are a diverse group of health care professionals who care about our patients total health.
We recognize the three pillars of optimal health are: diet, exercise, and quality sleep.
We appreciate that sleep related breathing disorders are a major contributor to poor sleep in all age groups including: adults, adolescents, young children, and pregnant women.
Because breathing disorders can be caused by a combination of anatomic, behavioral and functional sources, we subscribe to a multidisciplinary approach to care.
What We Do
We exist to share knowledge from diverse specialties to most effectively screen for and treat the medical condition of sleep related breathing disorders for all ages.
Once a year we meet for an educational and social event to help us learn what services exist outside our own professional areas.
Our website contains a network of health care providers from many fields so our members are able to easily access appropriate referrals that are convenient for our patients.
Our website also contains a forum where current literature, events, and cases can be shared with other members.​
Our goal is to raise awareness in health care communities and the general public about sleep related breathing disorders and their relationship to many common medical conditions in order to prevent or lessen disease. This achievable target will be accomplished through increased networking between the medical specialties that PAANNY is providing a foundation for.
Our Board of Directors
Steven Lamberg, DDS, DABDSM
Board Members
Inna Gellerman, DDS
Jeff Rein, DDS
Steve Acker, DDS
David Blaustein, DDS
Robin Smith, MD
Michael Gelb, DDS
Scott Siegel, MD, DDS
Melissa Goldstein, SLP, COM
Victor Grazina, DDS
Marc Adelberg, DDS
Jonathan Lown, MD
Leonard Brenner, DDS